Friday 5 June 2015

Rivers of Living Water

Bible Verses
John 7:37-39 Now on the last day, the great day of the feast,
Jesus stood and cried out, saying, If anyone thirsts, let him
come to Me and drink. (38) He who believes into Me, as the
Scripture said, out of his innermost being shall flow rivers
of living water. (39) But this He said concerning the Spirit,
whom those who believed into Him were about to receive; for
the Spirit was not yet, because Jesus had not yet been

 Words of Ministry 
In the Gospel of John, at the end of the greatest religious
festival of that day, Christ stood up and said that if any
man was thirsty, he could come to Him and drink. In saying
this, Christ was speaking about the Spirit. It is strange
that the people could still be thirsty at the end of a great
religious festival. But the truth is that no outward
religious observances can satisfy a man's inner thirst. 

more we observe religious practices, the more we

 will be thirsty. 
What we need is a drink of the living water. 
the Spirit is likened to “rivers of living water.” This 

living water was not there at the time Christ spoke these
words, because He had not been processed through His death
and resurrection [i.e. “glorified”]. But after His death and
resurrection, the process was completed, and today the Spirit
as the living water is here. In other words, He has passed
through the process of becoming a man, living a human life,
dying on the cross, and resurrecting to become the life-
giving Spirit. Now we do not need to sweat and struggle to
reach Him; He has become so enjoyable and accessible to us.
Now we can freely drink of the Spirit. This living water
fully quenches our inner thirst. 

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