Friday, 5 June 2015

What Kind of Life Does Christ Want to Give Us?

 Bible Verses 
John 6:63 It is the Spirit who gives life;
10:10 I have come that they may have life and may have it
1 Cor 15:45 ...the last Adam [Christ] became a life-giving

 Words of Ministry
What is this life that the Spirit gives? We know that there 
are many forms of life. In this world there are the plant 
life and animal life. The plant life is lower and the animal 
life is higher. Even higher than these two kinds of life is 
the human life. All these forms of life are wonderful; but 
there is a fourth kind of life—the divine life, which is 
God's uncreated life.

Being divine means being of God, having the nature of God, 
and being transcendent and distinct from all others. Only God 
is divine, so His life is divine. Furthermore, God's life is 
eternal and uncreated; it has no beginning and no end. All of 
us were born at a certain time and all of us realize that our 
human life will have a definite ending in death. However, 
God's life has no beginning, and it will continue in 
perpetuity. God's eternal life not only endures forever, but 
in quality it is absolutely perfect and complete, without any 
shortage or defect.

This eternal life is also indestructible and indissoluble. If 
you put the human life into the grave, it will soon decay and 
decompose. But if you put the eternal life into the grave, 
the grave will burst. If you place this life in any negative 
situation, that situation will be powerless to hold it down. 
The eternal life of God is an indestructible life, and 
nothing on earth, in heaven, or in hell can destroy it.
This is the life that Christ as the Spirit gives to us. It is 
much better than the religion that man has invented.

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