Tuesday 26 May 2015

Being Constituted a Drink Offering

 Bible Verses
Phil. 2:17  But even if I am being poured out as a drink
offering upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I
rejoice, and I rejoice together with you all.

2 Tim. 4:6  For I am already being poured out, and the time
of my departure is at hand.

Words of Ministry
The drink offering was additional to the basic offerings
revealed in Leviticus chapters one through seven. The basic
offerings were types of various aspects of Christ. The drink
offering was a type of Christ as enjoyed by the offerer, an
offering that fills him with Christ as the heavenly wine and
even causes him to become wine to God. The Apostle Paul
became such a drink offering by so enjoying Christ that he
could be poured out by the shedding of his blood upon the
believers' faith as a sacrifice to God.

The burnt offering, the meal offering, the peace offering,
the sin offering, and the trespass offering were the basic
offerings, but the drink offering was not. The five basic
offerings covered in chapters one through seven of Leviticus
are types of various aspects of what Christ is to God on our
behalf. If we read Numbers 15:1-10 and 28:7-10, we shall see
that the drink offering was something additional. If one of
the basic offerings was offered without the drink offering,
this was an indication that there was something lacking with
the presentation of the basic offering. The one who offered
the basic offering must have been rather poor. Actually the
drink offering signifies that the offerer himself becomes the
drink offering. However, this does not mean that the offerer
can be such a drink offering according to his own natural
constitution. Rather, he must enjoy Christ to such an extent
that Christ fills him, saturates him, and permeates him.
Christ is the heavenly wine for our enjoyment. When we enjoy
Him by taking Him into us, we shall become filled with Him
and thoroughly saturated with Him. In this way we shall
become the wine to be poured out as a drink offering upon the     

offerings we present to God.

With the typology in the Old Testament as a basis, Paul came
to regard himself as a drink offering poured out upon the 

sacrifice and priestly service of the believers' faith. For 

years Paul had been drinking of Christ and enjoying Him so
that he came to the point that he was filled with Christ and
saturated with Him. Eventually, Christ as the heavenly wine
caused Paul to become a constitution of wine in his very
being. This was the reason Paul could consider himself wine
poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrifice he offered
to God as a priest.

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