Sunday 3 May 2015

Spiritual Xeroxing, Reproduction I

                                    Bible Verses

1Pet 2:21  For to this you were called, because Christ also
suffered on your behalf, leaving you a model so that you may
follow in His steps;
John 13:15  For I have given you an example so that you also
may do even as I have done to you.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Words of Ministry~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Part 2 of 3)
I have heard an explanation of how the xeroxing process
operates. First there is the need of a proper light to expose
the original copy. Then there is the need of a special kind
of ink, called toner. Besides this, there is the need of a
heat roller and the paper upon which to make the copy. This
paper, of course, must be clean. Then this clean paper is
exposed under the light to the copy. Through the light, the
heat, and the proper ink, whatever the copy is will be
reproduced onto the paper. The result is reproduction, not

In the process of spiritual xeroxing, the Spirit of Christ is
the light, and the riches of the divine life are the inking
substance. We are the paper on which the reproduction of the
original is to be made. This paper must be put under the
light of the Holy Spirit, and it must pass through the inking
substance in order to have the original copy--Christ Himself-
-reproduced on it. Through this process we eventually become
a reproduction of the original, a reproduction of Christ.

Christ is not merely a model for us to follow outwardly. He
is a writing-copy, an original for spiritual xeroxing, and we
need to become His reproduction. This means that we should
become xerox copies of Christ by experiencing a process that
involves spiritual light and the riches of the divine life.
The result of this process is that we eventually become a
reproduction of Christ.

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