Wednesday 6 May 2015

Learning to Pray into God -I

Bible Verses 

Luke 11:1  And while He was in a certain place praying, when
He ceased, a certain one of His disciples said to Him, Lord,
teach us to pray...  2  And He said to them, When you pray,
say, Father, Your name be sanctified; Your kingdom come.  3 
Give us each day our daily bread.  4  And forgive us our
sins, for we also forgive everyone indebted to us. And do not
bring us into temptation

 Words of Ministry

[Part 1 of 2]
I have spent much time considering this brief word. My
conclusion is that if we would pray this way again and again,
the result will be that we shall pray ourselves into God. In
other words, the issue of this prayer is that we find
ourselves in God.

If we pray according to the Lord's teaching in these verses,
we shall be persons in God. I encourage you to pray, "Father,
Your name be sanctified; Your kingdom come." If you pray this
a number of times, you will find that you are in God. This is
both my understanding and my experience. From experience I
can testify that to pray according to the Lord's instruction
is to pray ourselves into God.

Once we have prayed ourselves into God, what shall we do now
that we are in God? We shall simply receive Him with His
riches into us. As fallen human beings, we were altogether
outside of God and had nothing to do with His riches. Hence,
we could not enjoy the riches of God. We need to pray
ourselves into God and then, as those in Him, receive Him and
His riches.

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