Monday 11 May 2015

Praying for Gospeling Opportunities

 Bible Verses 

Ephesians 6:19 And [pray] for me, that utterance may be given
to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known in boldness
the mystery of the gospel, (20) For which I am an ambassador
in a chain, that in it I would speak boldly, as I ought to speak.


Words of Ministry

You also need to pray unceasingly for God to provide you with
the right opportunity to speak. When you pray, God will give
you the opportunity. One sister gathered a group of women
together once a week and led them in a Bible study. The women
all worked in the same company, and none of them believed
in the Lord. One of them was very particular about her dress.
She was very proud and would not listen to anything the sister
said. The sister took notice of her and prayed for her. She
asked God to give her the opportunity to speak to the woman.
One day she felt a desire to invite the woman over for tea.
Since this woman loved to socialize, she accepted the invitation.

When she came, the sister encouraged her to believe in the Lord.
She replied, "I cannot believe. I like to gamble, and I love
pleasure. I do not want to lose these things. I cannot believe
in Jesus." The woman said, "The price is too high. I cannot
afford it." The sister said, "I hope you will go back and
consider it." After she said this, she continued to pray
for her. The woman returned home and knelt down to pray. After
she prayed, she suddenly said, "I have decided to follow the
Lord Jesus today." She changed suddenly. She could not explain
it, but her heart just turned. She changed her attire; she no
longer dressed the same as before. Wonderful things followed
one after another. Within a year many of her colleagues
were brought to the Lord one by one.

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