Sunday 3 May 2015

Released through Transcendent Praises

     Bible Verses

Acts 16:23  And when they had laid many stripes upon them,
they threw them into prison, charging the jailer to keep
them securely,  (24)  Who, having received such a charge,
threw them into the inner prison and secured their feet in
the stocks.  (25)  And about midnight Paul and Silas, while
praying, sang hymns of praise to God; and the prisoners were
listening to them  (26) And suddenly there was a great
earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison house were
shaken. And instantly all the doors were opened and
everyone's bonds were unfastened.

 Words of Ministry

[Part 1 of 2]
God's children are foolish if they stop praising when they
suffer under adverse environments and downtrodden feelings.
But as they come to know God more, they will find that even
a Philippian jail can become a place of songs. Paul and
Silas were praising God inside the jail cell. Their praise
broke loose all the jail doors. The jailer believed in the
Lord on that day, and his whole family was saved in a joyful

Paul and Silas offered the sacrifice of praise in the jail.
The wounds on their bodies were not yet healed; their pain
was not soothed. Their feet were in the stocks, and they
were shut in an inner jail of the Roman Empire. What was
there to be joyful about? What was there to sing about? But
there were two persons with transcendent spirits, who had
surpassed everything. They saw that God was still sitting in
the heavens; He had not changed at all. They themselves
might have changed, their environment might have changed,
their feelings might have changed, and their bodies might
have been suffering, but God was still sitting on the
throne. He was still worthy of their blessings. This kind of
praise is a victory.

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