Tuesday 12 May 2015

God Wanting Us to Command Him

Bible Verses 

Matt. 18:18  Truly I say to you, Whatever you bind on the 
earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose 
on the earth shall have been loosed in heaven.
Matt. 16:19  I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of 
the heavens, and whatever you bind on the earth shall have 
been bound in the heavens, and whatever you loose on the 
earth shall have been loosed in the heavens.

Words of Ministry 

This passage [in verses above] explains clearly the
relationship between prayer and God's work. God in heaven
will only bind and loose what His children on earth have
bound and loosed. Many things that God should bind, He will
not bind alone; instead He wants His people to bind them on
earth first, and then He binds them in heaven. Many things
that should be loosed, God will not loose them alone; instead
He has to wait for His people to loose them on earth before
He will loose the same for them in heaven. Every action in
heaven is directed on the earth! All the moves in heaven are
restricted on the earth! God is willing and happy to let all
of His works be managed by His people.

In Isaiah there is one passage which says the same thing as
it says here: “Thus says Jehovah, The Holy One of Israel and
the One who formed him, Ask Me about the things to come. And
concerning the work of My hands, command Me” (45:11). When we
read this, we should be fearful and not allow the flesh to
come in. God wants us--the humble human beings--to command
Him! His work is carried out through our commanding. Whether
it be binding or loosing, all of God's work in heaven is
carried out according to our command on earth.

It must first be bound on earth before heaven will bind. It
must be loosed on earth before heaven will loose. God will
not do anything against His will. It does not mean that when
something is bound on earth God will be forced to bind what
He does not want to bind. God in heaven is binding what has
been bound on earth because He has already intended to bind
what has been bound first on earth. He is waiting all the
time. When His people on earth bind what He in heaven intends
to bind, He will follow their command and bind according to
their requests. The fact that God is willing to follow His
people's command to bind what they are binding shows that it
has been God's will all along--which is eternal--to have such
things bound.

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