Tuesday 12 May 2015

The Spirit Guiding Us Into All Reality

                 Bible Verses

John 15:26 But when the Comforter comes, whom I will send to
you from the Father, the Spirit of reality, who proceeds from
the Father, He will testify concerning Me; 
John 16:13 But when He, the Spirit of reality, comes, He will
guide you into all the reality...


         Words of Ministry

All the Lord is can be realized by the Spirit. If we only
have the teachings, doctrines, and letters about the Lord
without the Spirit, we do not have the reality. Doctrinal
teaching about the Lord is not reality. The reality of the
Lord is the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is the reality
of the Lord. For example, we know that the Lord is life. But
if we do not have the Holy Spirit, we can never have life.
Since the Holy Spirit is the reality of Christ. we can have
the reality of Christ by having the Holy Spirit. Then we have

Furthermore, we know that the Lord is light. To have the Holy
Spirit is to have light. If we do not have the Holy Spirit,
we do not have light. The Lord is also the way. If we have
the Holy Spirit, we have the way and we know how to do
everything. However, if we do not have the Holy Spirit but
only have doctrinal teachings, we do not have the real way.
The reality of Christ is the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit
is the Spirit of reality. The coming of the Spirit of reality
means the coming of the reality of Christ. Whatever the Son
is, has, and has accomplished, obtained, and attained will
all be fully wrought into us through the Spirit.

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