Thursday 14 May 2015

Standing Firm in Spirit

 Bible Verses 

Phil. 1:27  Only, conduct y
ourselves in 
a manner worthy of
the gospel of Christ, that whether 

coming and seeing you or
being absent, I may hear of the things concerning you, that
you stand firm in one spirit, with one soul striving together 

along with the faith of the gospel.

Words of Ministry

If we would stand firm, we must be in one spirit. If we would
strive together, we need to be with one soul. In our
experience we realize that there is a great difference
between being in one spirit and being with one soul. Whenever
the church is attacked and opposed, we need to stand firm.
Where do we stand firm? We stand firm in spirit. If we do not
stay in our spirit, we shall be divided. First, opinions will
enter in, then there will be dissension, and eventually
division will come about. Even if 

three brothers are together
and do not remain in the spirit, they 

eventually be
divided. The different opinions, thoughts,

 and concepts will
lead to dissension, and this dissension will undermine the
oneness and cause division. Therefore, we can stand firm only
if we are in spirit. In no other organ of our being can we
stand firm.

If we consider our experience, we shall realize that if we
are drawn out of the spirit when we are opposed or attacked,
doubts and questions will rise up within us. Suppose the
Philippian believers did not remain in the spirit when they
were opposed by the Judaizers. They might have had doubts or
questions about Paul. They might have wondered if Paul had
told them all the truth, or they might have thought that the
Judaistic preachers had something more that they needed. Such
doubts and questions do not have their source in the spirit.
When we return to our spirit, stay there, and close our being
to negative questions and doubts, there are no problems.
During times of attack or opposition, we may be pulled out of
the spirit. If we realize that this is our situation, we must
immediately return to our spirit and close the door to
Satan's attack. To remain in the spirit in this way is to
stand firm in the spirit.

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