Wednesday 13 May 2015

Not Crying for Help, but Fulfilling God’s Need

 Bible Verses 

Matt. 18:19  Again, truly I say to you that if two of you are
in harmony on earth concerning any matter for which they ask,
it will be done for them from My Father who is in the
Matt. 6:9  You then pray in this way: Our Father who is in
the heavens, Your name be sanctified;  (10)  Your kingdom
come; Your will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth.

How do we bind what God intends to bind? How do we loose what
God intends to loose? The Lord's answer is to ask “in
harmony.” This is the meaning of prayer, and this is the
prayer of the Body. The highest point of our working together
with God is to ask in one accord for God to accomplish what
He intends to accomplish. The true meaning of prayer is for
the praying one to seek for the accomplishment of the will of
the One to whom he prays. Prayer is an indication that we
want God's will. It is to say that our will is standing on
God's side. Without this kind of prayer, there is no real

How many prayers today are for the expression of God's will? 
How many prayers are a setting aside of oneself and a seeking 
for the accomplishment of God's will? How many believers are 
there who truly work together with God in prayer? Oh! Let us 
realize that a selfish heart is no less prominent in prayer 
than in other things! How many of our own requests are 
standing in the way! How numerous are our own wills, our own 
desires, our own plans, and our own cravings! One great and 
common error in our thoughts is to consider that prayer is an 
expression of our needs and that prayer is but our cry to God 
for help. Little do we realize that prayer is to ask God to 
fulfill His need. We have to realize that God's intention is 
not for the believers to accomplish their will through 
prayer. God's intention is to accomplish His own will through 
the believers' prayer. This does not mean that believers 
should not ask God to fulfill their needs. It only means that 
believers should first understand the meaning and principle 
of prayer.

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