Tuesday 12 May 2015

Loving Other Believers

                         Bible Verses

John 15:12 This is My commandment, that you love one another
even as I have loved you. (17) These things I command you
that you may love one another. 
1 John 3:14 We know that we have passed out of death into
life because we love the brothers. He who does not love
abides in death.

           Words of Ministry 

We are not branches of many separate trees; we are all
branches of the same tree [Christ]. So we need to maintain a
good fellowship with all the other branches as well as with
the tree. If we do not love one another, it will be very
difficult to bear fruit. If we do not love one another, it
means that our fellowship with the vine tree has been cut
off. In order to bear fruit we must love one another.

The life within all of us is one life. The life in you is
exactly the same as the life in me. This resembles the
circulation of the blood in our physical body. The blood in
our body circulates through every member of our body. In like
manner, the inner life of all the branches is one. This life
should continually circulate through all the branches. Then
all the branches will be so living and filled with the riches
of life in order to bear fruit.

We must keep our relationship in love and love one another by
the life that is in us. This life is the Lord Himself. Loving
one another is the church life, the Body life. The Body life
is a life of love and a life in love. We should not love one
another with a human love but in the divine life and with the
divine love... Although the branches are many, they are one.
They are one with the vine and with one another. 

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