Wednesday 6 May 2015

Being Filled with Joy through Witnessing

 Bible Verses 

John 15:5  I am the vine; you are the branches. He who
abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart
from Me you can do nothing. (11)  These things I have spoken
to you that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be
made full.

 Words of Ministry

The two happiest days in every believer's life are the day
he believes in the Lord and the day when, for the first
time, he leads another person to Christ. The first one, of
course, is a particularly happy day. However, the joy of
leading another person to the Lord for the first time may be
greater than the joy experienced on the day of his own
salvation. Many Christians do not have much joy because they
have never spoken anything for the Lord; they have never led
a person to the Lord.

No tree will sprout without further growth. Likewise, no one
can have God's life without begetting more life. Those who
never witness to sinners are probably in need of others
witnessing to them. Those who have no desire or interest in
leading others to repentance unto the Lord are probably in
need of repentance themselves. Those who are silent for the
Lord in front of others probably need to listen again to the
voice of God's gospel. No one can be so advanced that he no
longer needs to save others. No one can advance to the
degree that he no longer needs to witness to others. New
believers need to learn to witness to others from the very
beginning. This is something we have to do for the rest of
our lives.

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