Tuesday 12 May 2015

Digesting the Word through Prayer

 Bible Verses

John 15:7 If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask
whatever you will, and it shall be done for you. 
Ephesians 6:17 And receive the helmet of salvation and the
sword of the Spirit, which Spirit is the word of God, (18) By
means of all prayer and petition, praying at every time in

      Words of Ministry

Many Christians have stored up much of the Word [through
reading and studying] but have digested very little of it.
Now is the time for them to digest the Word each day a little
at a time. We need to pray with and over the Word sentence by
sentence, clause by clause, phrase by phrase, and even word
by word, digesting what we read. If we pray over the words
that we read, the spiritual nourishment will come forth, and
we shall be nourished and strengthened in the spirit.

While the Lord is moving, acting, motivating, and energizing
within us, what shall we do? Should we keep our mouths
closed? No, we shall certainly feel impelled to utter
something. We shall surely express what we feel within. This
is spiritual prayer, prayer in the spirit. The spiritual
prayer expresses the moving of Christ within us. Christ in,
through, and as the Word is moving, acting, motivating, and
energizing within us. When this happens, we cannot be
silent... We become the mouthpiece for the Lord to utter what
is within us at that very moment. Then, whatever we ask, it
is not only we who are praying but also He who is praying in
our praying.

If we abide in the Lord, keep ourselves always in contact and
in fellowship with the Lord, and let the Lord with His word
live, move, motivate, and energize within us, we would be
unable to keep our mouths shut. What we speak will be a real
prayer in the spirit. 

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