Sunday 3 May 2015

The End Has Drawn Near


            Bible Verses

1Pet 4:7  But the end of all things has drawn near. Therefore
be sober-minded and be sober unto prayers.  8  Above all, have
fervent love among yourselves, because love covers a multitude
of sins.  9  Be hospitable to one another without

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Words of Ministry~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

All things on which the flesh rests will pass away, and the
end of them, the apostle tells us here, has drawn near. This
warns us that a life lived in the flesh in the lusts of men
(v. 2) will soon be ended, for it is related to all things
which will shortly pass away. Therefore, we should be sober-
minded and be sober unto prayers. Literally, to be sober-
minded is to be of a sound mind; it is to have a mind of
sobriety, able to understand things properly and thoroughly
without being disturbed. Furthermore, to be sober unto prayers
is to be sober to watch; hence, vigilant. This is to be on
guard; hence, sober unto prayer. This equals the Lord's word,
"Watch and pray" (Matt. 26:41; Luke 21:36).

We need to realize that all things will come to an end. Peter
says that the end of all things has drawn near. Therefore,
instead of loving material things, we should be sober-minded
and be sober unto prayers. Do not set your mind on a better
home, a better car, or a better education. The end of all such
things has drawn near.

Verse 8 continues, "Before all things having fervent love
among yourselves, because love covers a multitude of sins."
Love must be first. 245 In verse 9 Peter says, "Be hospitable
to one another without murmuring." Peter wrote this verse
according to his experience. He knew that hospitality can be
troublesome. Because the saints love the Lord, the church, and
the ministry, they are willing to extend hospitality to those
visiting from other localities. However, the saints who show
hospitality may be hospitable with murmuring. Some may
complain about how a saint who once stayed with them conducted
himself. This is murmuring. I hope that our hospitality will
be without murmuring.

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