Wednesday 6 May 2015

Learning to Pray into God-II

 Bible Verses 

Luke 11:1  And while He was in a certain place praying, when
He ceased, a certain one of His disciples said to Him, Lord,
teach us to pray...  2  And He said to them, When you pray,
say, Father, Your name be sanctified; Your kingdom come.  3 
Give us each day our daily bread.  4  And forgive us our
sins, for we also forgive everyone indebted to us. And do not
bring us into temptation


                          Words of Ministry

[Part 2 of 2]
When some hear about the need to pray ourselves into God in
order to receive Him and His riches, they may say, "Before we
were saved, we were not in God. But now we are children of
God." Yes, as believers, we are children of God.
Nevertheless, we must recognize the fact that often in our
experience we are not in God. We do not stay in God, we do
not remain in Him. For example, before going to bed, a
brother loses his temper with his wife. When he rises up the
next morning, he rises up outside of God. What should he do?
He should pray himself into God.

However, suppose the brother prays something like this:
"Father, You are just and fair. You know that my wife is
wrong. I ask You to vindicate me." The more the brother prays
like this, the farther he will be away from God in his
experience. He needs to pray, "O Father, sanctify Your name.
Your kingdom come. Father, give me bread for this day, and
forgive me even as I forgive my wife. Father, do not bring me
into that trial again." The more the brother prays like this,
the more he will find himself in God. This illustrates the
point that to pray is to pray ourselves into God.

Often we are distracted from God. We may be distracted from
Him simply by an advertisement in the newspaper. Because we
are easily distracted from God, we should spend time every
morning with Him, praying ourselves into Him. There is no
need to pray in detail concerning our shortcomings. It is
sufficient to say, "Father, forgive me." There is no need to
go through the details. The prayer, "Father forgive me as I
forgive others," is inclusive. The more you pray like this,
the more you will realize that you pray yourself into God.
Then in God you will receive the life supply.

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