Sunday 3 May 2015

The Glorious and Honorable Organic Union


                                          Bible Verses

1Pet 3: 22  Who is at the right hand of God, having gone into
heaven, angels and authorities and powers being subjected to
Eph 1:21  Far above all rule and authority and power and
lordship and every name that is named not only in this age but
also in that which is to come;  22  And He subjected all
things under His feet and gave Him to be Head over all things
to the church,

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Words of Ministry~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

In verse 22 Peter concludes this section by saying, "Who is at
the right hand of God, having gone into heaven, angels and
authorities and powers being subjected to Him." This
additional word not only unveils to us further, as the
glorious result of Christ's suffering, His exaltation after
resurrection and a high and honorable position He now holds in
the heavens at the right hand of God, but also indicates how
glorious and honorable is the organic union we have entered
into with Him through baptism, for we have been baptized into
Him (Rom. 6:3; Gal. 3:27).

It is a characteristic of Peter's writing to add in as many
points as possible. We see this characteristic in verse 22.
After referring in the previous verse to the resurrection of
Christ, Peter goes on to show us that today the resurrected
Christ is at the right hand of God. Christ has gone into
heaven, and angels, authorities, and powers have all been
subjected to Him. We have seen that through baptism we have
been put into Christ, and now we have an organic union with
Him. The Christ to whom we have been joined organically is not
only the resurrected One, but also the ascended One.
Therefore, through the organic union, we are brought not only
into Christ's resurrection but also into His ascension and
exaltation. This means that, because we are in Christ, the
angels, authorities, and powers are subject to us as well as
to Him. Hallelujah, we are one with the crucified,
resurrected, and exalted Christ!

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