Tuesday 26 May 2015

Being Guarded by the Peace of God

Choose your right way by God's sight
Choose your right way by God's sight

Bible Verses 
Phil. 4:7  And the peace of God, which surpasses every man's
understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in
Christ Jesus.
John 14:27  Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you;
not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your
heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

 Words of Ministry 
The issue, the result, of practicing the organic union with
the Lord is that the peace of God guards our hearts and
thoughts in Christ Jesus (v. 7). The peace of God is actually
God as peace (v. 9), infused into us through our fellowship
with Him by prayer. This peace is the counterpoise of
troubles and the antidote to anxiety (John 16:33).

Bad news or difficult situations may cause us to worry or to
be anxious. We find the antidote to this anxiety when we
pray, practice communion with God, and enjoy the organic
union [a living oneness with the Lord]. Then spontaneously,
even unconsciously, the peace of God is transfused into our
inner being. This transfused peace becomes the counterpoise
of trouble and becomes the antidote to anxiety. From
experience we know that through prayer we receive this
antidote to anxiety when the peace of God is infused into us.
Having the peace of God as the counterpoise to our troubles
does not mean that the troubles will disappear. The troubles
remain, but we have a counterpoise. Furthermore, the poison
of anxiety is still within us, but we have an antidote--the
peace of God transfused into our being through our fellowship
with God in prayer. When we enjoy God as our peace, we are
made calm within.

Peace By Mind, by faith, by reality.

The Greek word rendered "guard" may also be rendered "mount 
guard over." The God of peace patrols or stands guard before
our hearts and thoughts in Christ. This means that in Christ
Jesus the peace of God patrols as a guard who goes back and
forth before our hearts and our thoughts. The peace of God
which patrols within our inner being in such a way keeps us
calm and tranquil. Even though we may have many troubles and
much anxiety, nothing will disturb us. From experience we
know that the peace of God infused into us keeps us calm.

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