Tuesday 12 May 2015

Fruit Bearing

 Bible Verses

John 15:8 In this is My Father glorified, that you bear much
fruit and so you will become My disciples. 16 You did not
choose Me, but I chose you, and I set you that you should go
forth and bear fruit and that your fruit should remain, that
whatever you ask the Father in My name, He may give you.

Words of Ministry 
In my home province in north China there were many apple
groves. Year by year we eagerly anticipated the month of
September, when the trees would be laden with fruit! We
greatly enjoyed going to see these apple trees in their
glorification! Even while we were still far away, we could 

smell the fragrance of the apples.

The fruit Christ has borne is even more fragrant and
beautiful than this. We are this fruit! If Christ had never
produced a disciple after His resurrection, He would have
remained alone. After His resurrection, however, there were
one hundred twenty in Jerusalem. Then three thousand were
added. Now throughout this earth there are "apple groves"
which have issued from Christ's resurrection!

What is fruit-bearing? It is the overflow of the riches of
the inner life. Do not try to bring people to Christ by your
own effort. Do not use schemes to win souls. Bearing fruit is
a matter of the overflow of your inner life. We need
continuously to enjoy Christ as everything to us. Then we
shall have an abundance of inner life. Out of this abundance
of inner life there will be a flow that will reach others,
penetrating into their lives. This flow will bear much fruit.
It is not just preaching or soul-winning; it must be fruit-
bearing by the overflow of the riches of the inner life. 

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