Sunday 3 May 2015

Freed by the Law of the Spirit of Life


            Bible Verses

Gal. 5:22  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  (23) 
Meekness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Words of Ministry ~~~~~~~~~~~~
from the start that the way to deliverance lies in these
words: "The law of the Spirit of life has freed me in Christ
Jesus." This law is so perfect and powerful that it will save
you to the uttermost; there is no need to do anything to help
it. This law frees you from sin completely, sanctifies you
wholly, and fills you with life spontaneously.

Brothers and sisters, do not think that the Holy Spirit
within us only expresses His life through us occasionally. If
we think this way, it proves that we only know the Spirit; we
do not know the law of the Spirit. The law of the Spirit
expresses His life continuously. It remains the same at all
times and in all places. We do not have to tell this law to
behave in a certain way; it behaves the way it does without
our guidance. Once the Lord opens our eyes, we will see that
the treasure within is not just the Holy Spirit or a life,
but a law as well. Then we will be released, and the problem
of sin will be over.
May God open our eyes to see this way of deliverance.
[Part 3 of 3]
Every saved person should be clear about the way to
deliverance. First, we must see that sin is a law in us. If
we do not see this, we cannot go on. Second, we need to see
that the will cannot overcome the law of sin. Third, we need
to see that the Holy Spirit is a law, and this law frees us
from the law of sin.

Many brothers and sisters have wasted their time
unnecessarily; they have shed many tears of defeat. If you
want to experience less pain and tears, you should realize

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